Despite the pandemic, more companies are turning to landfill diversion. As a local company and employer, Countrystyle prides itself on its exceptional customer service, operations and processing capabilities have significantly expanded over the past five years to become an award-winning recycling company.
What are the benefits of landfill diversion?
A waste producer has a duty to ensure that its waste is compliantly disposed of and is transported under the correct European Waste Catalogue (EWC) Code to locations with appropriate Site Licenses.
Countrystyle Recycling has made significant investments within its operations to ensure that every alternative outlet has been sought to maximise recycling. It is the law under the Duty of Care Legislation for businesses to have a complete audit trail of its waste to its final destination: be it recycled, recovered into energy, sent to landfill or handled in a specific facility for specialist treatment before processing.
Landfill sites have often faced the brunt of the media and the scepticism from environmentalists, with pressures to find alternatives becoming more favourable as they are in Europe. Businesses in both the B2B & B2C sectors are finding their staff and customers are seeking greener suppliers for “environmentally sustainable” products, this was expedited during the COVID pandemic as people sought local alternatives to products/services that became unavailable with the closure of large chains and panic purchasing.
Previously companies weren’t as selective when arranging a supply chain and tended to select suppliers based on value and convenience. However, more recently heavier scrutiny has been placed on finding ‘greener’ alternatives and emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibilities.
More often than not, if the supply chain isn’t re-examined, there is the potential to miss out on more environmentally conscious arrangements and local alternatives.
Why look at local waste management?
Think of it in terms of logistics, the further it travels the more likely the cost will increase. As a local supplier, such as Countrystyle, staff and the team have insight into the local area, routes and access points that could benefit a business in cost-saving activities and opportunities. Operationally, local suppliers are able to manage a variety of waste streams, negotiate with national suppliers or specialise in particular commodities.
Local suppliers also can be flexible and responsive to short time-frame waste management queries with locations in the immediate vicinity.
What happens at Ridham?
Countrystyle’s flagship Ridham and Ridham Sea Terminals facilities near Sittingbourne handles, process or transports over one million tonnes per annum of waste from over 3,000 clients. Providing specialist waste recycling services for Paper/Cardboard, Plasterboard and Wood, the site is a hub of recycling and recovery activity.
With national capabilities at local level, Countrystyle can offer the full waste management solution for any industry. For more insight and examples of recent businesses taking action against landfill, see our case studies.