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Working in partnership with the community

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Social Values

Countrystyle Recycling’s fundamental goal is to minimise the impact of waste on the environment and to support the communities in which we operate.

Our social values are focussed on building stronger, more resourceful communities delivering educational programmes on recycling, sustainability, and introducing the closed looped economy models. At the core of our social value commitments is education, we take our specially devised education modules into local schools, youth projects and other community trusts.

Community Partners

We are proud to be community partners to Kent Cricket – and sponsor the annual school’s day out, an event which welcomes over 1,000 school children from across Kent to participate in numerous activities centred around recycling and the environment.

We also support the great work of Charlton Athletic Community Trust and Canterbury Rugby Club.

Other social value commitments comprise of delivering net-zero and protecting our natural environment including:

Manage resources as high up the waste hierarchy as possible.

Run our operations and processes efficiently to minimise their impact on the environment.

Collaborate with our suppliers to reduce the carbon emissions and environmental impact of our supply chain.

Engage and involve relevant stakeholders to understand how we can continually improve our impact.

Working with the local community

Countrystyle continues to engage with the local community to support causes and initiatives.

We pride ourselves on our commitment to educate the public on recycling. More recently, team members have undertaken beach clean-ups, raising money for charities, supported raffles and 10K races.

Organise a community litter pick

For further information on organising a litter pick in your community, please download our handy “how to” guide.

Key Facts

Countrystyle has a dedicated team for the Schools Initiative with staff from a variety of departments involved.

Countrystyle has raised over £10,000 for charities and fundraisers across Kent in the past 5 years.

Team members regularly volunteer to help at charity events including Dragon Boat Races, long distance cycling and Porchlight and Marie Curie events.

Along with the Heathcote Holdings Group, Countrystyle supports The Young Lives Foundation, supporting some of the county’s most vulnerable young people. 

Supporting Employees

Employees at Countrystyle are not only passionate about the environment but causes close to them.

Countrystyle often supports their endeavours including marathon runners, Children in Need Bake-Offs, Charity bike rides to name a few.

Click here to view our latest recycling and waste management job vacancies and apply today.

Get a Quote for Business Waste Services

Equipped with an extensive range of specialist containers, vehicles and permitted treatment infrastructure, Countrystyle can handle almost all forms of waste leaving clients free to concentrate on core business activities.